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Saturday, June 18, 2011

Please Sign the Petition

Free Tony the Truck Stop Tiger Now, Not Later

Free Tony the Truck Stop Tiger Now, Not Later
  • signatures: 6,964

  • deadline: ongoing
  • signature goal: 10,000
  • Target: Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
  • Sponsored by:
For the last decade, a tiger named Tony has been confined to a cage at a truck stop in Grosse Tete, Louisiana. The concrete floors of Tony's enclosure leave the pads of his feet bloody, and the pond in his cage is too small to protect him from the crippling Louisiana heat and the highway's noxious fumes. In his current surroundings, Tony spends his days pacing back and forth to amuse gawking tourists and truck drivers.

This May, thanks to efforts by Care2 members and the Animal Legal Defense Fund, the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries agreed that Tony should be set free. However, the truck stop owner's current permit was still kept active, meaning that Tony will not be free until this December.

Tony has already endured too many Louisiana summers in the name of cheap entertainment. Tell the Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries to revoke the truck stop owner's permit now and set Tony free.

1 comment:

  1. They should either put the truck stop owner in the cage instead of Tony or, better yet, with him.





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